The best stroller that we recommend to everyone - the Chicco Keyfit 30 Travel System

So we get all kinds of questions from family and friends on what we think is the best stroller available.  There are loads of strollers on the market, but we ended up purchasing the Chicco KeyFit 30 Stroller Travel System.  We picked this stroller for the following reasons:

Price - While it is a bit on the upper end, it has a stroller and car seat.  After researching multiple different travel systems and other strollers, this was most certainly the best bang for our hard earned buck.

Safety - I think this was our biggest factor when choosing a stroller and/or travel system.  This stroller and car seat got the best stroller award from Consumer Reports as well as being rated one of the safest on the market.  When we put this in our car and push the stroller you can really feel how solid it feels.

Style - Now while this wasn't our biggest concerns, the Chicco KeyFit 30 does have some stylish options.  Again, not a huge factor for us but we did feel pretty darn cool pushing this around.

Again, we can't say enough good things about the Chicco Cortina KeyFit 30 travel system.  We really recommend it to all of our friends and family.  In our eyes, it truly is the best stroller around.  Oh, we got ours on which we found to be the best price anywhere.  Click here to read more about it on amazon.